Sunday, February 26, 2006

Cynical People

I was shopping today when I came across an accessory fair. 2 middle aged women are browsing for earrings and a sales girl is serving them. What really shocked me is that 1 of the lady actually tried on a pair of earrings which is on display. I looked at her and the sales girl, expecting her to stop this inconsiderate behavior but she did not do anything. I was really tempted to go over and tell them off but in the end, I didn’t do it. My mom stopped me and told me to mind my own business.

Come to think of it, I really regret not going up to the people and tell them what I feel. I was beaten by the cynical people around me.

Have they ever wondered that if such actions are allowed to continue, virus can be easily spread? It is for hygiene purpose that some basic, common sense “rules” are set up. Just imagine that the earrings which she has tried on have previously been tried on by another person. I am sure she will feel gross by it.

It is many times when our sense of “justice and right” is beaten by cynical thinking that we chose not to correct any wrongs we have witness. And when tragedy happens, we will regret our decision for following the “public’s road”.

So next time if I see such situations again, I will go what I think is the right path.

P/s: Of course you still have to make sure the decision does not endanger yourself.

Saturday, February 25, 2006


I think that having any expectations in a relationship is a burden. If a guy tells me that he expected me to do this and that in a relationship, I think that it is very scary. The relationship will have been burdened from the beginning.

How about thinking of giving in a relationship instead of receiving? Do not expect what the other party needs to give in a relationship. At least for me, I will frightened away by such guys if I ever met one.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Simple rules to Human Communication

1) Do not try to use flowery language so that it will "sound nicer" (in most of the case, it doesn’t)

2) Do not be lazy and attempt to use short words to substitute seemingly long sentences. (The other party isn’t you. They don't really know what you intend to say, usually your substituted words are the cause to a misunderstanding)

3) Always explain your rationale to your point of view when applicable. Do not always assume the other party will probe you to explain further.

4) Always say what you mean from your heart and what you are thinking. (The other person can't possibly know what you are thinking when you are saying stuffs that is in extreme opposite of what you are thinking)

Please do share any rules which you think you have learnt and will be beneficial to everyone else.