Friday, March 24, 2006

Little grown ups

My tuition student and her older sister are arguing again. This time, their conversation is about boy girl relationships and my student is saying that she will not get married in the future. Although bewildered, I did not say anything until her sister left the room.

When I was alone with her, I asked her how about babies? She said that she likes babies but is not going to give birth to any. Feeling curious, I probe her further on. She said that she will adopt children instead of giving birth to them. I asked why she said that. Can you guess what did she say??

This is her reply: “Giving birth is to bring the child to a world of torments and by adopting is to relieve the child from sufferings”

By the way, my student is only 12 years old that year… (-_-)|||


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about a gal who do not want a child ???

8:17 AM  
Blogger eltm said...

The girl has a pessimistic outlook of the world, prob by what she saw happening around in her life. Life can only be as good as we want it to be, and the first thought we should have are positive ones. Why? Because thoughts are regenerative and biased. We start off positive ones and they will regenerate more positive ones, vice versa. When one has positive thoughts, it is not easy doing and saying negative things. A trainer taught this to us in a course:(1) Try to smile and think of something negative - it's quite impossible (2) Try to frown and think of something positive - difficult too... If by merely "forcing" ourselves to look positive and the result is that we have difficulty deriving negative thoughts, imagine "forcing" ourselves to have positive thoughts! We will likely to look positive, say positively and act positively.

On adoption as a means of getting the adopted child away from suffering. The intention is kind, but if the outlook of life is so negative, I am not sure this will be the case.

A child at 12 should not be behaving such. Let's do what we can on our individual's role and responsibility in making the world a better place. Harbour only positive thoughts!

Any chance to talk to the girl and tell her that the world can get better and how she can contribute?

12:36 AM  

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